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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

White Barns

Hamilton, Montana                                                                                                                              Photograph by Cindy Roberts
 I love barns.  White barns.  Chippey white, time worn, story telling....barns.
Hamilton, Montana                                               Llama Farm                                                           Photograph by Cindy Roberts
Hamilton, Montana                                                                                                                              Photograph by Cindy Roberts
These are barns I photographed in Montana during our family vacation.
Hamilton, Montana                                 Llama Farm                              Photograph by Cindy Roberts
Hamilton, Montana                                               Llama Farm                                                           Photograph by Cindy Roberts
Hamilton, Montana                                               Llama Farm                                                           Photograph by Cindy Roberts
Hamilton, Montana                                                                                               Photograph by Cindy Roberts
If you love white barns, I'd love to hear from you!


Amber ~ The French Pressed Home said...

I LOVE WHITE BARNS! :) Just had to yell out loud. We plan on building and I want it all to look like it's been there forever. Good pictures to use as inspiration, thanks!
xo, Amber

BucksCountyFolkArt said...

*sigh* The way Ted and I collect stuff, it would be so great if we owned a barn!!

Gracefully Vintage said...

Oh My those are just stunning..
The chippy -rustic nature- but then the history that must come with each one-
That is what tickles me..
Thanks for sharing such beauty..Not too many barns like that here in Ca...

Susan @ Real Girl Designs said...

Hi, I've just discovered your blog, it's lovely.

I love all kinds of barns!

Shannon@Cozy Home Scenes said...

I share your love of barns. When I was a child, my best friend lived on a small farm . She, her older sister and I made up plays and acted them out in the barn loft. We had such fun. You captured the rustic charm that I appreciate when I see those old beauties. Shannon

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to get off topic, but I couldn't find an e-mail address and wanted to answer your question about the chicken salad pockets on my blog.

Yes they are very easy to make. Assembling them is not hard, and the most time consuming part is cooking the chicken for the salad part. If you need to speed up the process, you can use a good brand of canned chicken to use for the salad, then put it into the pockets.

Hope that helps because I have never met anyone who doesn't like these squares! Thanks for checking out my blog.


Sue L said...

The old white barn with the Lama is my neighbors it’s a lovely old barn ! We have a red barn to the north of her!

Sue L said...

The old white barn with the Lama is my neighbors it’s a lovely old barn ! We have a red barn to the north of her!