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Saturday, August 20, 2011


Master Bedroom                                                                 Photo by Cindy Roberts
Great news!  Our home will be featured in FRESH COTTAGE magazine!  I heard the news today on Fifi O'Neill's blog.  You can see her post (and a few teaser photos) here

REWIND:  When I found out our home would be photographed.... shock, excitement, panic, reorganization, projects, cleaning... Then came the day.... more cleaning, flowers, detailing....  NOW....relief, gratitude and life as we knew it bf (before Fifi.)

Fifi sent to me some photos from the shoot, but as promised, I won't publish them until after the feature in FRESH COTTAGE.  In the meantime, here are a few "teaser" photos.

Me and Fifi sitting on the deck by our pool.  The back deck was the last area photographed.  It was a typical hot July day in southern California.  Ice in our drinking glasses was melting almost faster than Mark could get the shot!

Fifi in our kitchen! Surreal.  I spent the least amount of time preparing our kitchen for the photo shoot, yet this was the room Fifi and Mark spent the most time photographing.  So, when the feature is published and you see old shriveled fruit on the table, you'll know why!
Fifi and Mark in our dining room! Surreal again. Check out the white "chic" apron Fifi's wearing.  I made the apron and gave it to Fifi when she took a liking to it.  Fifi wore the apron all day keeping her cell phone and other necessities in the pockets.  Can you see all the wires in this shot?  All part of professional photography at work.  I watched Mark closely to glean some tips, but his equipment is more elaborate than my Olympus. Mark had his camera set up on a tripod, but he would actually take shots from his computer and not from behind the camera.  He could see each photograph on his monitor and adjust the next shot accordingly.  Amazing.  

Fifi and Mark, if you're reading this, thanks again for such a wonderful opportunity!


Pink Princess said...

That must have been a wonderful experience ♥ I love Fifi too lol. I can't get the mag in my country but I KNOW it will look great. Exciting ♥

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

How exciting to have your home featured in a national magazine.
Fifi brings joy wherever she goes.


Anonymous said...

Oh how excited you must be to have your gorgeous home published!! And how much fun to get to meet Fifi! So happy for you!

The Old Painted Cottage said...

Hi Cindy! From the looks of your pics, it looks like you had a really successful shoot experience. I never heard of that magazine before, so I'm in for a double treat! Congratulations again!!


Elyse said...

so surreal!!! and so exciting!!! and i'm so happy for you, sweetie!

elyse said...

Congratulations!!!! How exciting:) Fifi and Mark were here about a month ago too. Aren't they great? I can't wait to see your beautiful home in print!!!
~Debra xxx
Capers of the vintage vixens