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Monday, October 15, 2007

Sitting Pretty!

There's something charming about renewing a piece from the past! I purchased this vintage step-stool at an antique shop in Idaho. Rescuing it from a dark basement and giving it a new home brings me joy! All it needed was new padding, pink paint and floral fabric!

I'm having difficulty listing this sweet seat on my website. I love it so! For now, it sits alone covered in a corner out of harm's way and protected from dust. Of course, no one is allowed to sit pretty on my antique treasure!

If a special lady out there promises to give this sweet seat a higher calling than I have, perhaps I can part with it. For now, it remains merely a blog post!


Melissa said...


Adla said...

Great rescue. you did a good job, can never go wrong with pink paint and a fabric filled with rosey poseys :)
Ta for now,


Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Cindy, I know how you feel about parting with the things we make. Most of the time I want to keep everything but realistically, where would we put it all. Sshhhh don't tell...... sometimes I sneak things into a display and hope my hubby doesn't notice that I haven't sold it.

Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

Hi Cindy, have enjoyed reading your lovely pink blog and looking at all the fabulous pictures! I love what you have done with the step stool, just beautiful and must be a keeper (actually I know what its like not wanting to part with treasures but this one is too nice to go!)

Pat said...


Thank you for leaving your comment on my blog. You were my very first. You have made my day! Thanks again.


Lynn said...

Hi Cindy,
Just love what you did with the chair, it's so pretty. I would love to have it, but shipping it here would just be way too much :(

I often wish I had kept things after they are sold too, but we can't keep it all can we?

Anonymous said...

so cute!! I can see why you would have a hard time parting with it!

randi said...

I love this chair1 Too cute!