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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What I Love About My Home

What I love about my home is it's simplicity and comfort!

14 comments: said...

Sorry it is so late, but there is still a LOT of traffic on this!

Seeb said...

Lovely home.invite you to visit mine.

Sweet Remembrance said...

Love your home...
especially all the pink!
Your kitchen is fabulous...

Dana said...

Love the pictures of your home! Pink and green isn't it the best?!

Livy said...

I love the kitchen! So pretty.

Holly said...

your blog is just precious.

great job.

we have a reluctant outdoor kitty.

try putting a bowl of water out with rescue remedy and he just may want to come in and hang out.

it worked for our Jasmine.


Anonymous said...

I came over here from Etsy but didn't realize that you had done Karla's Country Party! Love your home! If you ever visit my blog you will see I share the same love of pink!

Karin @

Cindy@Cutepinkstuff said...

Hi, karin at creativechaos! Thanks for stopping by and sharing your kind words. I can't seem to find your blog. I googled creativechaos and still didn't find you! You can email me the link at We can never see enough PINK! Cindy

Elle Jay Bee said...

What a gorgeous wonder you love it!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Without a doubt, your blog and web page are stunning. I love your pink stuff!!!


Cindy@Cutepinkstuff said...

Thank you, Doug!

For those of you who are wondering why a guy is commenting my blog. . . Doug is my husband who is great about tolerating lots of pink in our home!

Lynn said...

Doug sure is great LOL :)
I just think your home is so sweet and cozy looking.

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Lovely home; gotta love PINK!

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Aw what a sweet hubby to leave a cute comment on your blog!

I love love looooove your sweet pink home!
My fav colors are pink n green!
I have enjoyed my visit and will be back again!

Hugz, Dolly