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Friday, August 31, 2007

Iron Maiden

This post is for you, Anne Sutton! You can get your ironing board off the closet floor and into the closet wall or into the wall of your beautiful new studio!

My husband installed this ironing board wall unit from Home Depot in only a few hours. It took longer to shop for one that wasn't damaged than it took to install the product! There was some drywall cutting involved which always concerns me a bit, but all went smoothly. The unit extends from the wall only 4 inches. It comes with the board, insulated cover (I made a pink cover to cover the cover!), shelf (for iron storage) and hook for the inside of the door. The door hinges on either side.

My sister-in-law gave me this idea. Tina has had her ironing board in her sewing room wall for years! All these years, I've been storing my heavy board and iron in a hallway closet dragging it around looking for an outlet. Now, both are conveniently tucked away in my laundry room ready for this Iron Maiden to iron some frocks! Thanks, Tina!

I found some aromatic linen water at Home Goods to complete this project. The Sea Salt linen water is a fresh scent, a gorgeous turquoise color and has a spray nozzle! The English Rose linen water smells heavenly, but is clear with no nozzle. How can rose linen water be anything but pink? So, I added a smidgen of red food coloring and poured it into a vintage glass bottle topped with a rose lid from my website (I sold it to myself!) I hope the dye doesn't tint my linens pink. Oh well, most of my linens are pink anyway!

My pink laundry room is now complete. At least until another friend or relative gives me another can't live without idea! For all you Iron Maidens out there, I highly recommend this one!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Wishing For A Rodent

I love this photo because it makes me look so organized. Wondering how I could make a simple mouse pad somewhat interesting, I combed my house for a small rodent to represent the computer mouse. A cat toy was what I had in mind, but I had to settle for my computer mouse due to an imperative time constraint. . . my toddler was hungry.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Little hands create big color! Macaroni necklaces, leis, beaded strands, Renaissance crowns, and pukka shells. Over the years, all have found a home on our stairway banister. Today, I noticed their beauty!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Loving Laundry

Doing the laundry is nothing new. In fact, for our family, washing clothes is a daily task. I also spend a lot of time in our laundry room sewing, crafting, ironing and painting items for my website.

Our laundry room has been a work in progress since 2001! Our white cabinets have been begging for some color. I recall a magazine article about adding color to furniture by adhering contact paper to the fronts of cabinets and dressers. Lucky for me I recently found a great deal on pink floral contact paper. Yes, my husband came home from work one day last week to find more pink in our house. He didn't say one word! Could it be that he didn't notice the laundry room cabinets? Well, he must have noticed by now, because today we spent the afternoon in the same room installing not one, but two, small ceiling fans/lights to fan my brow (I painted the blades PINK, of course!) Last week, my loving husband installed an ironing board that fits inside a wall cabinet. I love it!

Next on my list of projects is adding color to our white kitchen cabinets. Lucky for me I recently found a great deal on blue floral contact paper. Sound familiar? Photos and details next time! Have a great evening!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Expert Blogger

This is my third posting (on the same day!) and I consider myself an expert blogger (LOL!) It is past midnight, and I am hooked! Before I sleep, I am compelled to tell you about my passion for gardening!

I love summer gardening. I especially love hanging containers filled with cascading blooms of pink flowers. This old metal container is filled with pink petunias and hangs from a rusty spigot used as a hose guide. Beneath the chippy white container grows mint. I love a sprig of mint in a cold glass of iced tea!


Rex is our adopted male cat. Poor thing. I loved this shabby pink basket soooo much, it didn't matter that Rex may not like so many pink flowers on his bedding! Like most cats, in the beginning, he refused to relax in his new bed. It took only one rainy day for Rex to escape the cold and jump into his new, albeit pink , soft bed. Rex sleeps outside on these hot summer nights, but with autumn around the corner, Rex will soon be resting in his shabby pink basket once again!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Green Blogger

Okay! I am finally blogging, I think. . . . I am so "green." I see many creative, beautiful and inspiring blogs out there, so I thought I would give it a try.

This is one of my website home pages. I offer shabby pink cottage chic home and office decor at I hope to see you there!