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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Loving Laundry

Doing the laundry is nothing new. In fact, for our family, washing clothes is a daily task. I also spend a lot of time in our laundry room sewing, crafting, ironing and painting items for my website.

Our laundry room has been a work in progress since 2001! Our white cabinets have been begging for some color. I recall a magazine article about adding color to furniture by adhering contact paper to the fronts of cabinets and dressers. Lucky for me I recently found a great deal on pink floral contact paper. Yes, my husband came home from work one day last week to find more pink in our house. He didn't say one word! Could it be that he didn't notice the laundry room cabinets? Well, he must have noticed by now, because today we spent the afternoon in the same room installing not one, but two, small ceiling fans/lights to fan my brow (I painted the blades PINK, of course!) Last week, my loving husband installed an ironing board that fits inside a wall cabinet. I love it!

Next on my list of projects is adding color to our white kitchen cabinets. Lucky for me I recently found a great deal on blue floral contact paper. Sound familiar? Photos and details next time! Have a great evening!


Karin said...

I love it! I found your blog through Sophia Rose....Welcome to the world of blogging! off to visit your store.....

Karin @

Cindy@Cutepinkstuff said...

Thanks Karin! I'm sooo excited to hear from you. I'm off to visit your blog now. . . .

Anonymous said...

I love this pink laundry room!!! That's so funny to hear that you work in yours......I set up a little studio in my laundry room! Glad to know I'm not the only one, lol!

Anita said...

Love Love Love it! Wow! Love your blog, too... Found your link at The Old Painted Cottage.

Anonymous said...

Dear Cindy,

The website and blog are beautiful and creative, just like you. What else would I expect from you. How you inspire me.

I'll be inviting you over soon to help me find a spot to put my new ironing station in that my friend Cindy created. Brett will love you!

Well wishes,

P.S. Love Louie Armstrong!