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Thursday, May 31, 2012

IT'S HERE!!!!!

The June 2012 issue of Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine was on my front doorstep TODAY!  

 Our home is featured in this issue! We are blessed beyond measure....
Our daybed in the Master Bedroom (No, I don't sleep there.  Our cat, Mochi, can be seen at times enjoying the sunshine and gazing out the window.  See photo below.) 


Old mirror and bird cage above our day bed.  Doug attached an old fence plank to serve as a shelf for my flowers and candles.  The old bird cage won't house my finches, so I use it for a candlier.

Our Master Bedroom (Guess what's behind the curtain?  Yup.  The flat screen T.V.!)
 I ordered several copies, so you can order your issue now at

Hope to see you there!


NanaDiana said...

Congratulations! WHAT A FEAT! I love your photos and I can SEE WHY you were featured. Beautiful-absolutely beautiful! xo Diana

Brenda ~ The Heminger Farmhouse said...

Congratulations Cindy!! That is fantastic ~ you have such a beautiful home :)

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Congrats on the feature!!! Love all the old doors and how you covered up the idea.


Tonita said...

I have seen and pinned your bedroom wall of doors and windows on my Pinterest board ages ago. I LOVE it and am happy to have found you through your blog to know who created it. I have had a crush on old doors and windows for years, and started collecting them long before people had computers and blogs. I recently bought a cottage home (very small) and hope you don't mind if I sorta copy your idea. I need a bigger closet and think i will dump my dresser in order to have a closet made of old doors and windows. I have been sifting through every page of your blog and so far I am just loving your bedroom and have tagged it as one of my all time favorite bedrooms on the internet. Thanks so much for the inspiration. Your home is beautiful and your blog is amazing. You are a creative and blessed woman of God.

Anonymous said...

What did you do to the bed to keep the rust from getting on the bedding?