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Thursday, May 31, 2012

IT'S HERE!!!!!

The June 2012 issue of Jeanne d'Arc Living Magazine was on my front doorstep TODAY!  

 Our home is featured in this issue! We are blessed beyond measure....
Our daybed in the Master Bedroom (No, I don't sleep there.  Our cat, Mochi, can be seen at times enjoying the sunshine and gazing out the window.  See photo below.) 


Old mirror and bird cage above our day bed.  Doug attached an old fence plank to serve as a shelf for my flowers and candles.  The old bird cage won't house my finches, so I use it for a candlier.

Our Master Bedroom (Guess what's behind the curtain?  Yup.  The flat screen T.V.!)
 I ordered several copies, so you can order your issue now at

Hope to see you there!

Monday, May 21, 2012


Ooh la la....
 Enough magazine hoopla for now (until June!)
 Back to work with my Viking~Husqvarna...
Sewing new pillow slip cover designs.  You can find them here and here.
 Hope you like them!
Thanks for browsing!

Friday, May 4, 2012


Just when I thought receiving Jennifer's Cottage of the Month Award was enough....Federal Express delivered several issues of the coveted Italian publication, CASA ROMANTICA! You're probably wondering why I'm desperately in need/want of this magazine.  Well, that's our dining room table (and my name) on the FRONT COVER!  What?  Really?
Oh, and if that isn't enough, our back yard deck is on the BACK COVER!  What?  Really?
My daybed upstairs.
This gorgeous magazine isn't distributed in the U.S., so it's difficult to find.  I can't tell you about the hoops my husband jumped through to get these delivered to our doorstep!
Pink Hydrangeas From My Garden
 Yes, there's more (bear with me.)  
Our Living Room and Fireplace
 Inside are 22+ pages of our home.  
Our French Armoire
 The photos were taken in July 2011, so they differ from the photos taken by Jennifer Grey a few months ago for Cottage of the Month.  
Area By our Stairway
 You'll see how our home has evolved in the past 10 months and more photos are coming in December (that whirlwind is on the horizon again, Jennifer!)
Our Kitchen
Did I mention this issue of Casa Romantica is 130 pages of bliss?  You'll love the home photos of fellow blogger, Janet Coon!  Here are just a few:
Are you drooling yet?  If so, shake it off and let's start decorating!  This issue of Casa Romantica is filled with breath-taking photos and ideas.  
 Several gorgeous homes are featured.  
 Although printed in Italian, the images are universally fantastic!  
 Ironically, American homes are featured, but the magazine is only available in Italy....UNTIL NOW!  I don't have many issues left, so be sure to drop by my website for your copy.  Once they're gone, they're gone. 

I hope to hear from you!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 2012 Cottage of the Month Award

 I'm honored, Jennifer. Thank you!
This photograph is only one of  many taken by Jennifer Grey a couple months ago.  The photo shoot was time consuming for sure, but only now do I know how time consuming is her Cottage of the Month feature.  I was on the telephone with Jennifer last night as she was editing photos and working on the text.  Even as we talked about the feature, she continued working and made record time finishing her post just before midnight.  WOW.  I'm amazed and grateful!

Here are a few more photos taken by Jennifer.  For the full tour, visit Jennifer's website!
Thank you for stopping by....