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Monday, May 10, 2010

What Did You Do For Mother's Day?

I had a "busy" Mother's Day!
 I spent most of the day upstairs while my devoted husband watched our 4 kids . . . downstairs.
 I hung some paper lanterns.
I sat here.
I sat there.
I read some magazines.
I gazed up at the tree.
I read more magazines.
I saw the wind blowing my lanterns.
I pondered about where to place this new white leather chair.
Two chairs, but just me. . . . sitting.  What a blessed day!  What did you do for Mother's Day?


Diane Mars said...

Hope you had a Wonderful Mothers Day! Stop On Over I'm having a Virtual Baby Shower for my daughter Breezy, games and prizes, would love to see you there! Let's Get This Party Started!! Hugs, Diane

House and Garden Boutique said...

Sounds like a delightful day! Our kids are grown, so we went out for breakfast, did some garden shopping and went out for dinner w/ one of our sons. It was a fun day! Hope you can stop by and say "hello" one day & even become a follower! Enjoyed your blog!

Elyse said...

sounds like an easy-breezy day! my boys bought me cupcakes, cards and flowers!

glad you enjoyed your special day.


Margie said...

I love your resting place! ~ Margie

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

It looks so relaxing! Cindy, youre not that far from me...I'll bring the coffee & treats.

Amber ~ The French Pressed Home said...

Oh my! I love, love, love your patio! Soft, cozy spots to read or just watch the wind blow by... simply the best! I will be adding you to my list of blogs to read!
:) Amber

Alison Gibbs said...

Cindy that sounds like a peaceful way to spend the day

prashant said...

sounds like an easy-breezy day!
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