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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day

Have a safe Memorial Day weekend!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Very Vintage Parking Lot Sale

Well, the parking lot sale is over.  It came and went so fast, I forgot to post it.  So much going on, so no photos this time. 
These photos were taken before the sale, so you can get an idea of what was available.  
Stop by for a visit sometime!  
 Very Vintage is located in Agoura Hills, CA off the 101 Freeway between exits, Chesbro and Kanan.
Hope to see you there!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bunnies, lambs and chicks (oh my)

I added a new BABY category to  To celebrate and promote the new category, I'm having a GIVE AWAY on JUNE 21 (First day of summer!)  Simply leave a comment on this post and win a new "baby cloth."  Post this GIVE AWAY on your blog and receive an extra chance to win.  The winner chooses from a pink bunny
 a pink lamb
a blue lamb
or a pink chick.
If you don't have a baby, grandchild or have a baby shower to attend in the near future, don't fret!  The cloths can also be used for Easter AND as a tea towel or curtain.  

Product details:  100% light cotton fabric.  Bottom ruffle.  Hemmed, factory sterilized, pre-shrunk and lint-free.  Measures approximately 28" x 29".

Thanks for stopping by and good luck!

Monday, May 10, 2010

What Did You Do For Mother's Day?

I had a "busy" Mother's Day!
 I spent most of the day upstairs while my devoted husband watched our 4 kids . . . downstairs.
 I hung some paper lanterns.
I sat here.
I sat there.
I read some magazines.
I gazed up at the tree.
I read more magazines.
I saw the wind blowing my lanterns.
I pondered about where to place this new white leather chair.
Two chairs, but just me. . . . sitting.  What a blessed day!  What did you do for Mother's Day?

It's a Tea Party!

Welcome to Cielo's Victorian Tea Party!
These are the tea cups I'm bringing to the party:

I took this vignette when our farm table project was completed.  You can see more about that in a previous post

Same vignette, different angle.  I hope I'm not the only blogger who takes a hundred shots of the same image hoping a few look decent!

This is another tea cup and saucer I had on my side porch while browsing through the FREE Cath Kidston catalog.  Notice I have pretty pink sticky tabs to mark all the cute things I want. . . someday.

Are pets invited to your Tea Party, Cielo?  Rex won't eat much and he's very well behaved.

I won't bring my 6 year old son to the party.  He doesn't eat much and he's relatively well behaved, but he would rather be at The Hope Depot with his dad.  He simply stopped by leaving me a Lego Star Wars Clone Trooper adding some masculinity to my tea cup vignette.  I shot these photos when I cleaned and rearranged my side porch.  You can see more about that in a previous post.

Thanks for stopping by.  Hope to see you at Cielo's House in the Roses!  Thanks, Cielo, for a wonderful party!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Motherhood, it's the toughest job in the world!  I hope this Mother's Day finds you clothed with strength and dignity.  May your children arise and call you blessed!