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Friday, April 30, 2010


The Hidden Chateau & Gardens is having an Open House and sale May 1 (TOMORROW!)  Sorry for the last minute notice.  I'm clearing out our (my husband's) garage and taking everything there for a HUGE CLEARANCE SALE! I'll have furniture and miscellaneous small treasures.  Some finished items and other "as is" projects in the making.  I just can't get to all my projects so I'm letting them go.  No time for photos or tags on this post, so I hope you can be there in person!

Here are the details: 
Hidden Chateau & Gardens
23130 Sherman Way, West Hills, California
     Store opens at 11 am  
(Refreshments served from 1-4 pm)


Gracefully Vintage said...

If i only we lived closer to west hills- a bit too far from Folsom- WOuld Love To Come shop your fantastic Goods..
Loving Your Blog..

Liz Bradley said...

Wishing I was closer! I can only imagine the goodies!

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

I hope it was great! Be sure to tell us all about it.


Elyse said...

what sharon said! :)


prashant said...

can only imagine the goodies!
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Myla Reid said...

Thankss for posting this