Monday, February 1, 2010

Oh My, A Mermaid!

Every now and then I find a treasure that warms my heart. 
This happens often when I shop at Abigail's in Idaho.
 When I saw this vintage wall plaque set I couldn't stop smiling.  
This bathing beauty 
and her swimming companions came home with me in my suitcase.
A bit kitschy, oh so cute and PINK!   If they warm your heart, too, you can find them here.


  1. She is truly adorable with all her little fishy friends.

  2. very fun! love the gold/pink combo.


  3. Love the mermaid you brought home! :) Martha

  4. Hi Cindy!
    I'm so glad you found some things you love at the shop.
    Sorry I missed you when you were there, I hope my helper took good care of you!

    Also, thanks for the kind words on your blog!
    Melissa- Abigail's

  5. What an adorable shop! I want to go there:) Probably too far and blizzardy for me to get there any time soon, so thanks for sharing! With Blessings ~ Margie

  6. Thank you about your visit and comment on e-magDECO. At moment, our e-magazine isn't tanslate by a human but there is google translate with your navigator navbar !
    Do you have try this ?
    Best wishes.

  7. I absolutely love your finds. As soon as I finish shoveling (yet another 6 inches!) I'll post my Waterside Wednesday and add a link to your marvelous mermaid.

  8. Oh Cindy, I love all your finds..I wish I was with you..LOL Hope you have a great week..Blessings, Faye:)

  9. She's a gorgeous little cutie! Leigh

  10. Oh how sweet, no wonder you took her home.
    Thanks for visiting my blog too and I am now finally feeling better.

  11. Hi Cindy! I wanted to get back to you about the note you left on my blog...unfortunately I do not have any back issue of the JDL magazine. Sorry!

    Have a wonderful weekend! I'm off to a mini flea market tomorrow - yeah!

    :) T

  12. Oh my gosh Cindy, I think my mom still has those plaster molds. Will have to check the garage and storage building. We had those in our pink bathroom from the 50s. Pink and gray were the colors of the bathroom. You truly find some really cute kitschy things. Love your blog. I am a new follower and just recently started loving pink again. Hugs, Pat

  13. Thanks for stopping by and leaving that nice comment! I hope all is well with you! The little mermaid is adorable.

  14. This mermaid is very very cute! Love it!

  15. I just saw these over at Barbara Jacksier. So adorable!!

  16. What a great find! I would have scooped it up too!

  17. Oh what a fabuous find!! So retro and so 50's. I bet if my mother saw these she would remember the color and the decor. I love them, and would love to see them up. Char
