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Monday, December 7, 2009

Gone To The Birds!

I've gone to the birds! 

It started with a vintage bird cage I purchased in Idaho on a shopping spree. 

It came with the sweet rhinestone brooch! 

Of course, I couldn't stop at just one bird cage.  I bought another at an antique shop.  This one came with a stand.  I added the rhinestone star and made the ruffled skirt. 

Then I had a bright idea.  Gee, maybe a couple of birds will be fun. 

So, I bought a couple of zebra finch. 

Aren't they cute?

The couple had 6 eggs within a month! 

While waiting for the eggs to hatch, I accumulated 3 more bird cages.  After all, I have to have homes for the little ones!  I bought this white vintage bird cage at Bungalow in Agoura Hills. 

I bought this pink vintage bird cage at Very Vintage in Agoura Hills where I rent space and sell my cutepinkstuff

The bottom tray is secured with 3 of these cute metal owls.

 Unfortunately, the finch eggs didn't hatch, but I'm anxiously waiting for more eggs.  I'm hopeful for several baby birds, so I moved the couple to a new "condo" I purchased on Ebay. 

 I added this beautiful vintage rhinestone brooch to dress up their "condo."

 It's great fun watching them.

The male has orange cheeks, speckled feathers and a darker orange beak.  He has a distinctly longer songlike chirp. 

He's so cute!

He's more trusting of the two.

The female has an orange beak and is more plain in color.

She has a shorter, quieter chirp, and is more tentative.  We haven't named them yet, but welcome all suggestions!


Joanne Kennedy said...

What lovely cages you have! I love the added sparkle too.

I used to have lots of finches in a huge cage outside where I lived. I loved the sound they made.


Naz (Make It, Bake It, Create It) said...

Oh my goodness- thanks for sharing! These birds are beautiful AND so are the cages! Made me miss my cockatiel I used to have...! Hmmm...names...I'm thinking since you have so many - maybe you should start with a theme - like...rhinestone colors? :-)

koralee said...

Oh my goodness...I love love your birds and cages. That pink cage is amazing! I have always wanted a sweet bird or two in our home...someday I have got me wishing again. Thank you so so much for sharing and I do love your blogs new look!

stefanie said...

your cages are gogeous!!! i love the one with the pink owls. I have several bird cages, no birds, i think i need to bling them up, thanks for the inspiration

Lady Pamela said...

Who would have thought, a PINK birdcage. Fabulous. Of course, that one is my fave! Thanks for sharing.

Angie said...

Ohhhh, the rhinestone brooch made me gasp out loud! Gorgeous! I never would have thought to bling up a bird cage. I have empty cages...not sure if my cat Buddy would behave himself with So sorry the little eggs didn't hatch...I am sure they will hatch more. Names...hmmmm..about Pierre and Penelope....they sure are cuties!

Hugs ~ Angie

June said...

Hi Cindy,
I love your sweet finches and all the beautiful cages to go along with them. They could have a home at the lake and maybe a cabin in the woods, and...
I have a pair of white finches and they are such sweet birds to have around.

vintagesue said...

i adore this post. what a sweet and entertaining way to enjoy vintage bird cages....with actual real birds. who would have thunk it? usually the b.cages are lined with plants, pearls, statues, twinkle lights, etc....but birds??? you have inspired me with those brooches, sewn little skirts, and those cuties of yours that will eventually have babies that hatch!! best wishes with the names.
take care

Elyse said...

hi cindy!

oh my gosh - your post is making me want ...
those little birds (so cute!)
a birdcage (so cool)
a better photo of that window pane backed with shabby chic fabric (so awesome)

i hope you are having a lovely december!


The Vintage Vagablonde said... I know I am not the only one with a bird cage of right now~they are all birdless.

Well, I do have some fake birds living in a few...and an old doll...some vintage plates,candles..LOL

I had 2 zebra Finch..but like plants...I am not so good with their upkeep. I love Finches and have my eye on a few cuties.

Amy said...

Great cages! I had Finches like these for quite a long time. They were so pleasant to have in the home and their song was so sweet.

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

Hi Cindy~ Cute birds. My kids want birds but we have cats so thats a definite no!

Donna @ Party Wishes said...

Love the new birds! I have some name ideas...

Ricky and Lucy
Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett
Anthony and Cleopatra

These are just few but you need to have famous couples!

mary pernula said...

did your birds ever have finch layed 8 eggs and they never hatched........I still have them this day in a nest that was given to birds have since passed on, but some day I hope to try again. Good luck to you. XX Mary

Evi said...

So cute. I have had birds all of my life as pets. Just after I had a baby I decided to buy a couple of finches to go in a cute cage that hung in our kitchen. Then I realized I had too much to do with a new baby and finches I felt were the messiest of the birds I've had. I just could not keep up with cleaning their cage. I love the size of the finches they are so sweet and yours look so cute in their condo. I would also suggest getting a singing canary - I miss mine so much and he had such a beautiful singing voice and he was a clean bird - no smell at all. The canary is a bit more money but they are worth it as long as you buy a young one - you'll have it for a long time. Have fun birds are great and yours will look good with all their bling :)