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Thursday, October 22, 2009

California Christmas

Well, it's difficult to think about Christmas when Halloween is next week, my roses are in full bloom and the temperature is in the 90's. 

  Yet, as fast as time flies, I know I better get started on some Christmas creations. 

 So, here's a preview of my new flour sack tea towels. 

 You can find them here!


Pink Princess said...

Lovely, esp. the BELIEVE one, that is my fave.

Julie L. Light said...

Really cute!

stefanie said...

i know what you mean, the weather is more like spring, my yard looks sooo good right know, all my roses are blooming, but christmas is right around the corner...cute stuff

Unknown said...

Wonderful...I love the ruffle at the bottom!

I can't believe you still have temps in the 90s!

:) T

Susan said...

Love it!! Soooo cute!

Karin said...

Love them!!

Charo said...

So pretty!!! Muy bonitas!!!

Eileen @ Star's Fault said...

Your towels are adorable! I have been making kitchen towels with ruffles too. I love the tattered edge of your ruffles and red thread you used. Perfect!

Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault

Libbie said...

So sweet! I love the BELIEVE towel!