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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Website Cleanup

It's that time!  Time to clean up my website.  That means items MUST GO to make room for new cutepinkstuff!  Hope to see you there!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

California Christmas

Well, it's difficult to think about Christmas when Halloween is next week, my roses are in full bloom and the temperature is in the 90's. 

  Yet, as fast as time flies, I know I better get started on some Christmas creations. 

 So, here's a preview of my new flour sack tea towels. 

 You can find them here!

Friday, October 16, 2009

French Flea Tomorrow!

Just a reminder:   The Little French Flea Market
                              Saturday, October 17, 2009
                              9 am - 3 pm (Early birds at 8 am with flyer)
                              Hidden Chateau Gardens
                              23130 Sherman Way
                              West Hills, CA (Across from the Post Office)

Hope to see you there!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

It Arrived!

The anticipation of a gift arriving in the mail is almost as exciting as the gift itself.  ALMOST!

Elyse ordered a mouse pad from my website and. . . .

I've been wanting one of her painted soup cans so. . . .we swapped.

This is what arrived!  Elyse always goes ALL OUT when swapping.  I've crowned her the swap Queen!  Elyse, thank you so much for my "tinkered treasures!"  Your cutepinkstuff will be arriving soon!  You can find Elyse on Etsy here!

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Little French Flea Market

Mark your calendars!  The Little French Flea Market is Saturday, October 17, 2009.  This time the weather should be more comfortable than the 106 degree temperature in July.  I'll be there selling items I brought back from Idaho and Montana. I'll also bring my newest white linen pillows!  

Here are the details:


Saturday, October 17, 2009
8:00 am-3:00 pm

Hidden Chateau Gardens
23130 Sherman Way
West Hills, California
(Across from the Post Office)

$2.00 Admission

 Please joins us for refreshments, live music, and amazing merchandise including French and Cottage style decor, antiques, vintage clothing, jewelry, collectibles, furniture, linens and more!