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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

If I Were a Jewel. . . .

JEWEL OF THE MONTHIf I were a jewel, I would be a PINK DIAMOND!

The thought of jewels came to me when Sandy at My Lu La Belles graciously asked me to be her April JEWEL OF THE MONTH! Sandy features our humble pink abode on video! Thank you, Sandy! When you have time to browse, visit Sandy's blog and website. She creates the most exquisite vintage jewel photo frames I have ever seen AND other beautiful treasures!

If you were a jewel, what would you be?


Lu Lu's Fluffy Ruffles said...

OOOhhh Cindy thats a good question!
the pink diamond would have been my first choice but now I would have to say perhaps a pearl.
Soft and romantic feel but stong to the touch wont crumble easily.
thanks for being my jewel of the month. Your home is beautiful!

Lynn said...

Hi my pink friend :)
Your home looks amazing as always on the slide show and a lovely write up on you. Way to go!

What jewel would I be this month? Well diamond is April's jewel so I think I would be a diamond like you :)

Anonymous said...

I have to go along with you, a pink diamond because diamonds are my absolute favorite and pink being my favorite color, it's an obvious choice.

LeAnn :)

Vee said...

Ohhh, hard question...I think today I'd be a blue sapphire.

Kingswood Food and Craft Market said...

hmmm i am definately going down the pink diamond path BUT im leaning towards an Emerald as them both.

Im off to to Sandys to take a peek now!

How exciting for you girl!

Shann xo

Sandy said...

I'd be a pearl! They start out as a bit of rough grit and are polished to iridescent perfection. They are rare and beautiful, so I'd like to be a pearl ~ getting better through the process of life knowing the best is yet to be!

Unknown said...

I came over to visit from Coll's and Shannon. Any blog that has the name pink in it gets my attention. LOL You have such a pretty blog and I can't believe you have a pink laptop. I have Sony's pink cybershot camera but I love your laptop! I've had fun visitiing and will be back.

Celestina Marie said...

Well, I love my birthstone which is Amethyst, but it is right up there with white or pink diamonds!
Lovely post!!
La Rea Rose

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Hi Cindy,
It's been awhile since I popped over to visit and say hi. Just catching up now with your recent posts.

Hhmmm...what jewel would I be?
I think there are way too many beautiful gems to choose from so I am going to be a pretty Brooch with many different stones in it. Of course there will have to be diamonds (a girls best friend), sapphires, rubies, emeralds....oh and I do love amethyst too.

I feel all sparkly and pretty now!!

CIELO said...

I'd be a green emerald... :)

Have a great day, Cindy!



Love pink diamonds Cindy, but I think I would be an Aquamarine. I have one in my engagement ring, I love blue. But I also love emeralds.
Hugs, Coll :-}

Adla said...

Cindy, what a lovely planter...being cement I'm sure it's pretty heavy and sturdy! Well my birthstone is a diamond but I'd choose to be an emerald!Such a fun question:)

chat soon, Adla