Thank You!
A BIG THANK YOU to all who take the time to leave kind words! I've met some wonderful ladies in blogland! I value your creativity and kindness! I only wish we were neighbors dropping by for a daily dose of laughter, coffee, and cucumber sandwiches!
In this post, however, I'm putting you to work! I'm hoping for some feedback in two categories.

First Category:
Handcrafted Roses vs. Rose Decals. In the past, I've detailed my cutepinkstuff with handcrafted roses. Recently, I have been adding vintage inspired rose decals, as well. I'm having fun varying my products, but I'm curious about your preferences. Specifically, I am wondering if the decals are shabby chic vs. Victorian. Too much color? More dimension with the handcrafted roses? New

vs. vintage? Handcrafted vs. commercial? These are just a few considerations to ponder. All ideas are welcomed and appreciated.

Second Category:
Pink vs. White. A majority of my products are painted shabby pink, but I recently added

a new website category featuring white products. I LOVE PINK, so most items get PINKED! However, there are times when a piece will look better painted white. (I also kno

w that only in
faeryland can everything be pink!) Do you prefer white or pink items? Do you prefer white with handcrafted roses or decals? Do you prefer pink with handcrafted roses or decals?