Join me by entering in my Valentine's Day Brunch contest for a Cutepinkstuff.com Give Away! All you have to do is guess the movie I am showing! Leave a comment on this post with your best guess. Hint: It will definitely be a "chick flick."
The winner will be announced on Friday, February 15, 2008. The winner will receive a set of Cutepinkstuff.com Glass Storage Jars with Pink Rose Lids! Good luck, everyone!

Cindy, I just love your site and your cute things you say! I really loved the previous post with the toy soldiers and all on the livingroom table, gosh I remember those years very well!! Will once again try to ad you to my list of favorite places! Will visit soon! Lori
Hi Cindy, Hope you have a lovely "Moms day Off"! I am guessing you are showing Thelma and Louise!!
Hi Cindy :)
Thank you for the invite..... wish I could actually be there with you, but I can only dream.
I am going to guess you are showing
"The Notebook"
Dear Cindy..... my guess is that your movie will be "Pretty Woman".... whatever the movie is, I am sure it will be delightful! have fun!
I am going to guess "Pretty In Pink". It sounds very fitting!
I love your blog!!! Since I am listening to Somewhere Over The Rainbow, I will guess The Wizard of Oz.
Ouuu my 2 favorite chick flicks are Chocolat' and Prety Woman, that would be my guess!
I'd love to join your moms party too!
Hugz, Dolly
Love your Blog. The brunch is a great idea. What fun you will have. Enjoyed my visit & hope you can stop by soon. Connie
Hope you have a lovely brunch- I'll be attending a Valentine Tea, love the movie idea. Maybe you'll be showing Sleepless in Seattle or Must Love Dogs?
I'm going to guess it "Because I said so" :-). Love the canisters btw.
So many movies come to mind! How about An Affair to Remember? Seems like a great one for the occasion!
chick flick? hmmmm......sounds like thema and louise to me. with that deeeeeelish brad pitt
I'm going to guess "Enchanted".
Kim C.
Oh...I have two guesses... is that cheating???? :o) Affair to Remember or Breakfast at Tiffany's
Have a great time with the girls!
Hi Cindy, I came over this morning to let you know I am posting your photo at the Valentines Day Party. And found your fun giveway. Yea. The alltime chick flick (since it is Valentines Day) has to be Pretty Woman. Have a great time. Talk to you after the parties! I hope you have a Blessed Day.
Hi Cindy,
I hopped on over to introduce myself. I am a new blogger and am having so much fun. I love your websites and your house is darling. I too love the Rachel Ashwell Rosalie fabric as you will see in my pics. Look forward to getting to know you.
LeAnn :)
I'm gonna guess Pretty in Pink. And I sure wish I could attend the party.
Hiya Cindy,
You know i was just thinking about your valentines Brunch the other day....i just love the idea of it and i wanna come too :(
Im guessing Sleepless In Seattle. Theres not a girl alive who doesnt love that movie!
I need to win those jars, they would look soooo cute in my kitchen!
Sounds like a lot of fun! You deserve it. Pl/leave some cake for me, I might be a little late coming in :)
My guess is: When Harry met Sally. I have not seen it, but if I am right, I will rent the movie!
I'd love to begin collecting "Cute Pink Stuff".
Cindy, those jars are just gorgeous, I need them. Chick Flick eh, I'm guessing "Steel Magnolias" cos it's one of my faves.
Cheers, Coll :-}
O.k. I'm going to guess Legally Blonde because there is sooo much pink in that movie :)
I'd love to go to your tea. How about "Somewhere over the Rainbow"? That's more my era and you were playing it. Have a good time.
Love your blog.....
I guess "27 Dresses".
My favorite chick flick is 'Return to Me' I love the music and the story. Have fun.
Oh gosh, I'm probably wrong on this, but I'm going to guess "Beaches"??
Just found your blog. I love it! Will check out your website too as soon as I'm done guessing what movie you'll watch... hmmm... maybe "You've got Mail" or Notting Hill... (or Pretty Woman which we all seem to think is the ultimate choice:-)) Hope I win. :-)
My guess is an Affair to Remember...cute jars! :)
Cindy, I'm going to guess the movie "Sleepless in Seattle". I think it's this one because Tom Hanks is to meet Meg Ryan on top of the Empire State Building on Valentine's Day.
Carol L.
Glendale, AZ
Hi Cindy,
Hope you gals all have a hoot at the Valentines brunch.
I'm going to guess at something completely different...old and romantic....Jane Austens 'Pride and Predujice' or 'Sense and Sensibility'. Who can resist a man that is brave enough to wear tights??
Have fun.
Oh Kerryanne, who could resist Colin Firth in anything? With or (ahem) without tights (hee hee).
Coll :-}
After much thought... When Harry Met Sally????
Hmm, I will guess "Moonstruck" By the way, I am a new blogger, also.
Hi. Just found your site from a another blog. It's so fun to peek into what others are doing.
Your Valentine's Day lunch sounds fun! I'm going to guess Sleepless in Seattle since they met on Valentine's Day. But they reference A Day To Remember several times in that movie so I'm not sure which one to pick!
I'm hearing music from The Wizard of Oz, but that's not really a love story. I'll just pick one of my faves...Out of Africa.
I truly LOVE thos jars!
I'm going to guess "Pretty in Pink". :)
Well, everyone took my suggestions ( Affair to Remember, Sleepless in Seattle and You've GOt Mail' so I'll go for the original version of YGM, 'The Shop Around the Corner'.
Or Sabrina. That's a good one, old and the new one.
oh! if only i could be there too! i would bring a pink champagne cake with sprinkles!
ok my guess would be one of my all time faves, 'breakfast at tiffany's'...!!!
crossing fingers i win your giveaway!!
You have a great blog... I would have to guess as several have Sleepless in Seattle.
Thanks for sharing!
Love your Valentine plans you have fun girls, and enjoy watching "Holiday"
I love the idea of brunch with the girls and a movie.....I must remember this idea for next year.
I'm going to guess Bridget Jones's Diary or Steel Magnolias or maybe French Kiss ????? I can't stop guessing cause I really want those storage jars.
P.S.....I love your previous "We call it home" it sounds like my kind of home. LOVELY !!!!!
I'm guessing Steel Magnolias...my personal favourite! I hope you had fun!!
Fellow lover of all things pink,
I am going to guess The Bridges Of Madison County!!!! :) Hope you have a great day!
Steel Magnolias??? They come in pink, right? Cute blog!
I was one of the few chosen ones to attend this event and wow what an event! Pink, pretty, and so romantic it was!
Your friend and neighbor,
Cindy and all your "Cute Pink Stuff" is my 'cupcake of tea'!
The 3 little Pink Rose Bud Jar Containers are even Cuter and more Practical in Person! Thanks so kindly!!! :) xxoo
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