When the sun was shining I was on a role planning a Valentine's Day brunch for some deserving friends. Now that a rain storm has arrived, I've lost my momentum! I'm somewhat embarrassed to say that the weather has a direct effect on my mood. In an attempt to get me back on track before Valentine's Day passes by, I am posting this collage! Besides, this is much more fun than doing the laundry!
Lots of pretties in the Valentine's Mosaic.
Ooooh the gorgeousness of it all !
Keep creating sweetie !
Hugs and sunshine,
Shann xo
p.s my pretty pink parcel arrived..THANKU HUN !
Hi Cindy I desperately need help getting organized!
OMG! What a beautiful collage full of the prettiest things! Made me smile :) Love your blog~I'm off to read some more! :) chris
I agree blogging is way more fun than laundry! Where is the laundry fairy ? Why doesn't she pay me a visit!!!
Hee Hee... julie
I am in love!!! I happened by your blog tonight and I must say that I am literally in love. I adore pink and you capture it in such a lovely way. I would LOVE to surround myself in pink, such as you have. I am bookmarking your blog and I will be back!
Lovely pictures. You have reminded me of the song that I used to sing to my babies! (somewhere over the rainbow). I'm adding you to my fav list, as don't want to lose you again!
Beautiful work! You are not alone on the weather mood thing. On a sunny day I can go like the energizer bunny, the clouds roll in and pushs my enegy out. It can be a bit frustating but keep your chin up, in the words of Annie, the sun will come up tomrrow!
Yes I agree, playing in pink is much more fun then laundry. I love your collage. What a pretty blog. I have you in my favorites.
La Rea Rose
Beautiful collage Cindy, so many pretty hearts :)
Please do not be embaressed by the weather affecting your mood, you can't help it. A lack of sunshine causes low seretonin levels and makes you feel down, and low in energy. I know because I have SAD (seasonal affective disorder) and I have to use a special litebook daily in the winters here in Canada. It really does help, but hey we can't be up and bubbly all the time, that just wouldn't be normal LOL.
What a gorgeous collection!
Love the collage! How are you surving the rain up there? We didn't get it as bad here in San Diego as LA did. They kept saying it was going to be the storm of the century but then it just came and went....
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