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Thursday, January 31, 2008

We Call It Home

The Cinderella fairy tale resonates with me as I peruse decorating magazines. Someday (dreaming) I will transform from sweeping the chimney to dancing in a ball gown. I long for the day (dreaming) when I will live with my Prince in a castle far, far away. . . . There will be horse drawn carriages, pristine gardens, countless rooms filled with the finest furnishings, decorated lavishly in creams and pinks, crystal chandeliers sparkling everywhere, and only the finest imported food will grace our finest china. Stop. Rewind. Put down that decorating magazine and return to reality!Today, I visited Linda's blog at Restyled Home. For a reality check, visit Linda's January 30, 2008 post, "Small Aspirations. . .do you share them??" In a nutshell, Linda wonders why decorating magazines rarely show us photographs of realistic homes? Here is a portion of Linda's post:"Indeed, I am disheartened with never being shown a basic home that has been built in this decade . . .that is simply decorated well. Not all of us can afford to install soapstone countertops, hand-hewn ceiling beams, reclaimed flooring, "walk-through" fireplaces... Why, some of us actually buy all of our building materials at places like Home Depot. . . .For many of us, building centers are often our only source for materials."I agree, Linda! While my husband is shopping at The Home Depot (his idea of fun,) I thumb through the magazines. Most of them get a thumb through, but not a thumbs up! I often wonder who lives on these picture perfect estates? The "Cinderella Syndrome" overcomes me. I often get discouraged. For example, does anyone remember reading one of the later issues of Martha Stewart magazine last year? I believe it was the October or November issue. I wish I had a photo to share with you! Martha Stewart was serving her Thanksgiving Dinner to guests in her new barn equipped with a full kitchen and heated flooring with views of the great outdoors AND her prized horses in their stalls! There must have been a large staff cleaning stalls and lighting scented candles around the clock!

When I see an occasional magazine with charming and modestly decorated homes, it's refreshing! Romantic Country Magazine comes to mind. The decorating magazines (and books) I think are purchase/subscription worthy tend to be those that feature stylish homes with charm and simple renovations on a budget.
Our home is still owned by the bank. No inherited castle here! I still sweep the chimney and don't own a ball gown. We have no horses or carriages, but we have an SUV spacious enough for our large family.
Our garden is not pristine, but laden with weeds that seem to like our sunny location. Our house has several rooms, but they can be counted. Our rooms are filled with furnishings, mostly bargains from furniture outlets and yard sales. They are fine, but not the finest.

Yes, our rooms are decorated in creams and pinks, but nothing is lavish. I have glass, not crystal, chandeliers. Plenty my husband would tell you. We dine on imported food, imported from the local grocery store. Sometimes our china sees the light of day , but our everyday dinnerware is dishwasher safe and paper plates can be a mom's best friend. Our house is often rearranged, redecorated, and renovated with the help of our local Home Depot and bargains from Saturday yard sales! My kids say they NEVER want to move so relocating is out of the question. I live with my Prince in a castle far, far away. . . . We call it home!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


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When the sun was shining I was on a role planning a Valentine's Day brunch for some deserving friends. Now that a rain storm has arrived, I've lost my momentum! I'm somewhat embarrassed to say that the weather has a direct effect on my mood. In an attempt to get me back on track before Valentine's Day passes by, I am posting this collage! Besides, this is much more fun than doing the laundry!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Thank You!

Thank you, Lynn, at The Rose Cottage! I first met Lynn through my website when she ordered a Rachel Ashwell lamp shade. Little did I know that this chance meeting would culminate into an online friendship! I am grateful for Lynn for many reasons.

For Christmas, Lynn sent me a special spoon she decorated in shabby style with sweet pink embellishments. Lynn's spoon was one of her many holiday items she sold on Etsy. Be sure to visit Lynn's Etsy shop for a variety of precious items including vintage tags, greeting cards, baby slippers and so much more!

My special spoon was only the beginning! Last week, Lynn passed on to me 2 blog awards.
Yes, there is more! Lynn featured me on her blog, too! You will have to see for yourself how wonderful is her post. Visit Lynn often for a regular dose of warmth and sincerity! Thank you, again, Lynn for all you do. You are amazing and wonderful!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Real Life!

This morning I tried relaxing on my shabby couch with feet raised on my shabby ottoman.

When I reached for the remote control hidden in a pink box, I had to laugh.

This is REAL LIFE! Everywhere I looked there were toys! On my shabby couch, on my shabby ottoman and inside my shabby box. There was no place to relax in our shabby living room. Our youngest son of 4 years is our reminder that a shabby home is not a home without toys in abundance on every pink surface. His toys are always underfoot, but his innocence and candor keep us humble and true to what is important in life.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Next Stop, Valentine's Day!

For several years I have hosted brunch in my home to celebrate Valentine's Day. Out comes the china, crystal and silver. Girl's day! While kids are at school and husbands are at work, my girl friends gather to dine on homemade lasagna, salad and raspberry cake. This year I have new quilted, heart-shaped place mats to share with friends. (Now available at

Well, I must get going on the invitations and party favors! I'm thinking about a PINK theme. Is there any other color? When my invitations and party favors are completed, I will post them here. I am also thinking about coupling that post with a giveaway. Stop by later for the details!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

White Romance For 2008

The New Year brings rejuvenation. A fresh start. Revival. Cleanliness. Purity. Restoration. Change. welcomes 2008 with a new category of items, White Romantic Home!
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