Saturday, November 13, 2010

My New Ride

Yes, I'm riding a tricycle!  A garage sale find worthy of some detailing. 
A custom license plate...PINK, of course!
An old fashioned horn.  It's LOUD, so it comes in handy to warn all in my path!
Pink fuzzy dice hanging from my rear view mirror.
White ruffled basket liner I made from a linen blend fabric.
 My favorite part of the makeover, so it deserves 2 photos!
Front ruffled basket liner I made from Rachel Ashwell Rosalie fabric.
Cute cat lock.  It comes with 2 keys that are PINK!
DONE!  (Should have raked leaves before my photo shoot.)  Trader Joe's here I come!

If you share my love for 3 wheelers, I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Just Darling, I have the same one, i painted mine pink, and made a giraffe fur seat- I use to pick my little one up in it from school..
    Love the Lic. plate...Just SO CUTE..

  2. Oh how Fun !! And so sweetly embellished :) Gosh, even I couldn't wipe out on that with the third wheel :) Hee Hee !!! Must have Hubby check out Craig's list for me. :) Happy Weekend !! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. My trike is like yours except it's pink! I don't have a basket liner but I just might make one after seeing yours! Love your license plate. Mine says "wicked witch." LOL!


  4. SO STINKIN" CUTE!!! I've always wanted one but a cousin of mine told me they tip overeasy especially for us (her and me)chubby girls. Have fun with it, it's so adorable.

  5. how awesome!!! i almost bought a 3 wheeler not long ago for $35!! i had no way to get her home. couldn't ride it, so i left it where it stood! now i see yours and i love it!! reminds me of amsterdam and all those bikers there!!
    i'm with you on the trader joe's trip!! bike or not, i'm there too.
    good luck.

  6. Oh my gosh! Another trike lover! I also have a vintage trike my late Husband, Gary, bought me for Christmas from an elderly man having a yard sale. He said he locked up the tires on his truck when he spotted it! I remember him bragging before Christmas about how he had found me the PERFECT present. He knew I wasn't very good at riding a bike and I had mentioned how I'd love an old style trike. Well, there is was Christmas morning! It is blue and has both baskets as well. My Husband took it to the bike shop for reproduction tires and a new bell and he also added a new basket that was wicker. He used to strap our youngest daughter's car seat to the rear basket and ride her around with our 5 year old daughter riding her bike along side. That is one of my favorite pictures of him with them that I cherish dearly. They are now 6 and 9 years old. Oh my, now I'm getting sentimental and weepy, sorry! ;). Thank you for your post and recalling sweet memories.
    I may just get my trike out and make some basket liners. What a sweet touch!
    Blessings to you!

  7. The rake leaves gives it a more shabby feel (in a good way) and it's more real.

  8. what a lovely bike you've got there!!! this might sound strange to you but I've never actually seen a tricycle like that here! now it's definitely on my wish list :)

  9. Wow! Your new ride looks super awesome! And it looked better when you put decorations on it. =) I actually love all vehicles, from bicycles to cars, from minivans to trucks - EVERYTHING!
