Saturday, July 10, 2010

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Kids are home for the summer.
Spongebob, courtesy of Legoland

 Moms, are we having fun yet?  
If you're like me, you're torn between having fun with the kids 
 and creating
or cleaning out a closet
One morning I saw our cat, Rex, lounging in the perfect box.  
 The look on Rex's face captured my mood (tired.) 
 Later, I noticed the printing on the box which made me laugh.  
If only we could find FUN (and a little weirdness) in a box!


  1. Hello! I was blog surfing and came across your blog! Just wanted to say hello! I enjoyed my visit to your blog! Waht a funny kitty you have! I just love cats!

  2. I can totally relate to being torn between kid fun and crafting fun! I try to divide the two evenly, back and forth. as for your kitty, how cute is that box? my son {age 11} just had the most fun with a box making a house for our kitty and then into a robot outfit for himself!
