Monday, June 21, 2010

The Winner Is....

My 6 year old son picked the winner this morning.  He picked Joanne at My Little Cottage in the Making! Congratulations, Joanne!  Joanne has been on a mission to find the best gourmet cupcake in Southern California.  So, I thought she may like one of my "Cupcake" tea towels instead!  This is her prize:
Thanks to all who left comments.  This wasn't the worst give away after all!


  1. I've been reading those cupcake blogs! Congrats Joanne! ~ Margie

  2. I'm so excited to win! I can't wait to see this in person. It is so cute and being a big cupcake lover it is perfect! I just adore it and will hang it up with honor!

    Thank you so much!

