Monday, May 10, 2010

It's a Tea Party!

Welcome to Cielo's Victorian Tea Party!
These are the tea cups I'm bringing to the party:

I took this vignette when our farm table project was completed.  You can see more about that in a previous post

Same vignette, different angle.  I hope I'm not the only blogger who takes a hundred shots of the same image hoping a few look decent!

This is another tea cup and saucer I had on my side porch while browsing through the FREE Cath Kidston catalog.  Notice I have pretty pink sticky tabs to mark all the cute things I want. . . someday.

Are pets invited to your Tea Party, Cielo?  Rex won't eat much and he's very well behaved.

I won't bring my 6 year old son to the party.  He doesn't eat much and he's relatively well behaved, but he would rather be at The Hope Depot with his dad.  He simply stopped by leaving me a Lego Star Wars Clone Trooper adding some masculinity to my tea cup vignette.  I shot these photos when I cleaned and rearranged my side porch.  You can see more about that in a previous post.

Thanks for stopping by.  Hope to see you at Cielo's House in the Roses!  Thanks, Cielo, for a wonderful party!


  1. Happy Mother's day! looks like you have beautiful tea setting for the first two photos.. and also such a simple and yet comfy tea time for the rest of the photos for this post. a cup of tea, fave CK catalog, welp, just heaven!

  2. I just love your teacups. Great party you are having.


  3. You take the most fabulous pictures!

    Just wanted to thank you for the sweet comment on my blog yesterday. I'm still sick, but starting to feel a little better.

    Guess what? Later in the day, I found out my husband ordered me a new camera so I can take better pictures for my blog! He keeps hear me talk about all the scrumptious pictures I see on others' blogs and went ahead and got me a new camera. It turned out to be a very nice Mother's Day after all!

  4. This is gorgeous... a huge thank YOU for participating in our Victorian Tea Party



  5. So cute! Hope you had a good day!

  6. Would you like a cup of tea?I invite you to my party

  7. Be still my heart. I love chintz ware! Gorgeous.

  8. So gorgeuos teacup and delicious cookies!!!


  9. Your teacups are so pretty...and I must add your porch(in your header) has always been one of my favorite inspirational photos. Makes me wish I had a porch to decorate. I have a vintage bed that my MIL gave me and I can't wait to turn it into a daybed to use outdoors one day.

  10. What a lovely post!! Everything is so very pretty!!
