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Tuesday, July 30, 2013


 Done!  Well, except for attaching the tin roof, door and window hardware and minor details....
This is a peek inside the front window to the left of the door.   I have lots of photos needing editing.  I'm back to work outside our home with less time for blogging.

More photos to come....I promise.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Windows, Doors and Progress!

 Front door.
 Front door and right window.
 Front door flanked by 2 matching windows.  All purchased at an antique store in Agoura Hills, CA.
 Yup, we need 3 ladders.
 Back left window.
 Back door flanked by 2 matching windows.  We had the windows for many years.  The door was purchased in Agoura Hills, CA.
 The front door and windows from the inside.
 Corner where there is soon to be an antique bed.

 Back wall.  The steps will be revamped into a small porch.
 View from beyond our side fence.
 Neighbors are curious about a small room tucked away beyond this tree.
 Until next time....