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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Garden Decor

Bird bath angel with a vine crown.  
One day unbeknownst to me, my pink jasmine vine took a liking to this angel.  I planted the vine years ago to hide my gardening hose.  The jasmine didn't take a liking to my hose, but now I'm pleased it found another purpose.

 French Cemetery Aisle Marker
 I purchased this unusual wrought iron number plate at a flea market for $10.  I guessed it may be a house number, but the bottom spikes presented some confusion.  Then I was told it was a marker for an aisle in a French cemetery.  A bit creepy, but charming in my front garden.

Garden Statue
Many years ago, I took a trip to Mexico with some friends.  I bought this wonderful cement statue carrying a bowl-like planter.  One day my garden hose wrapped around the statue while I was watering plants.  Yes, down went the statue and broken was the bowl.  Now, she finds shade beneath my Summer Lace Hydrangea.  

Old White Gate and Hanging Ceiling Tin Planter
I've had this planter for years and can't remember how I acquired it.  However, the white gate in the background was a recent "freebie."  The gate was on a parkway across the street from my friend's house.  Big and heavy didn't deter me....I recruited my 17 year old son to lug it to our car.  My kids are accustomed to seeing me treasure hunting while carpooling.  What was exciting at some point in their young lives, has now become a bother in their teen years.

Old Wicker Chair
(You can see a better view of the freebie gate in this photo.) It seems I've always had a white wicker chair in my decor.  Anyone loving cottage, shabby chic and beach/seaside decor has a chair like this one. This chair has been indoors, on our front porch, our back porch and now retires under our strawberry tree.  
White, worn, chippey, broken, yet a keeper.
Stay tuned for more bits and pieces as our renovations unfold.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Fifi O'Neill's Book Signing

 July 5 from 5PM TO 8PM
28875 West Agoura Road
Agoura Hills, CA 91301

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Cleaning

Spring Cleaning continues into summer.
My armoire was in dire need of organizing.  
(If you look closely, you can see a small T.V. on the top shelf.  A T.V. mixed in with linens?)
Much better.
Stay tuned for more home decor and organization photos.  I'm preparing for a special visit from someone we all know....)

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Little French Flea Market

It's no longer the "LITTLE" French Flea Market!  This event has blossomed into a LARGE flea market with an ecclectic mix of treasures for everyone.  Thanks, Ann, for bringing us a wonderful day of shopping!  Here are the details:

  Little French
Flea Market
  We’re doing it again!

Saturday June 18
9:00 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M.

Tarzana Cultural Center
19130 Ventura Blvd.
Tarzana, CA.
Please join us for a wonderful day in a gorgeous French Garden, TREASURE hunting and spending time with friends. Join us for refreshments, and AMAZING merchandise, including cottage CHIC, French style décor, ANTIQUES, vintage clothing and jewelry, collectables, furniture, linens and just about anything you may want. Handpicked FABULOUS vendors. Valet parking available.
                                          $2.00 admission
        Future Dates:  Sept 17th , Nov 19th