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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Loving Lace

My husband took me to the Ventura Flea Market in September which is a gift itself.  I was looking for everything in general and nothing in particular when I came across a tattered plastic bag.  Yep, that's what I bought!  Well, it was filled with lots of surprises....lots and lots of crocet lace.  Take a look!

I'll list some lace on Etsy soon.  In the meantime, I'm loving the lace as a photo backdrop for my tag necklaces.  Coming soon on Etsy and now listed at .

Thanks for browsing!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

My New Ride

Yes, I'm riding a tricycle!  A garage sale find worthy of some detailing. 
A custom license plate...PINK, of course!
An old fashioned horn.  It's LOUD, so it comes in handy to warn all in my path!
Pink fuzzy dice hanging from my rear view mirror.
White ruffled basket liner I made from a linen blend fabric.
 My favorite part of the makeover, so it deserves 2 photos!
Front ruffled basket liner I made from Rachel Ashwell Rosalie fabric.
Cute cat lock.  It comes with 2 keys that are PINK!
DONE!  (Should have raked leaves before my photo shoot.)  Trader Joe's here I come!

If you share my love for 3 wheelers, I'd love to hear from you!