Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fear of Commitment?

The fear of commitment had a different meaning when I was single.  It referred to relationships.  Now that I'm married and own a home, this term refers to something completely different...decorating style!
 I love shabby chic... (my latest office re-do)
 but, I also love whimsy (my desk accessories.)
I love cottage (my printer cover, file cabinet and bulletin board.)
 but, I also love quirky (Halloween decor on our mantel.)
I love French (our front door.)
My rental space at Very Vintage.
but, I also love kitschy (1950's ceramic mermaid and fish plaques)
I also love white on white and more white (this isn't my bedroom, but a mom can dream!  See more of this Victorian cottage here.)
 but, I also love color, mostly PINK (these make me smile!)
I love rustic (old crib I bought and regret selling!)
Rustic ceiling tin we installed under our mantel.
I love new, but I also love vintage (new Eiffel Towel applique on old window, old scale and reproduction clock made to look like an old scale.)
Our entire home is an eclectic mix of all decorating styles!  Is it the fear of commitment or the love of everything that inspires me?  Yes, maybe both!


  1. you are sooooooooooo like me!!! I love and have so many different styles..I just love to many what you did to your mantle...I feel a project coming on!

  2. I totally understand where you are coming from. Great post and I love it all too!!!

  3. Yes, I am totally the same. I love so many styles I find it hard to stick to just one. I love how you've incorporated it all together, I suppose that's what makes our homes unique by adding different elements here and there. I love it. take care, Maryann

  4. Hi Cindy,
    I think I have a touch of the "fear of commitment" bug myself!
    I like so many things and I never want to be locked into one particular style, so just like you,
    I tend to go for what I love and remain very ecclectic!

    I love your home. Your office is soooooooo pretty. Love the little pink corner cabinet with the crowns.


  5. You know I don't think it matters how many different styles we have together in our homes. So long as when we walk into each room we feel good and it brings a smile to our faces then we know we have got it right

  6. Love your mantel, and your office, i too love so many different styles. Sometimes i wish i could just stick to one, it would make things so much easier, but probably less fun.

  7. OMG your style is exactly like mine. I particularly like Halloween :) I don't call it fear of commitment - I prefer to call it "things that make me smile" I always enjoy your blog.

  8. funny reading the other posts, but we are all the same! I have a lot of different styles going on in my house - good thing it's on the large side! but I love your style! your home is beautiful - I say, whatever makes us happy and enjoy!!

  9. Just the same here! I love it all and decorate with it all! Why not be happy in your own space, no matter what the style :) ~ Margie

  10. i can so relate, in fact a few weeks ago i did a post called "fickle pickle" where i showed how confused i get by all of the decorating styles i like. i guess we are just open to beauty. how's that?!


  11. I couldn't have said it better myself, so double ditto! Ive decided to just go with whatever tickles my fancy especially because I like everything!Well except modern;)

  12. This is so me, too!! I could have written every word of this myself! We would be great friends if we lived closer.

    Big Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  13. Your eclectic home is gorgeous! I think we should surround ourselves with the things we love... that makes a home our own.

  14. Life is too short to be tied to just one style! Love your eclectic mix - I would feel right at home.

  15. cute mermaid :)

    PILONSTEIN Fashion Blog Id love to have your opinion :)

  16. You just have good taste in a lot of things! ;}

    m ^..^

  17. Oh I love the pink and green wall paper behind your desk! Im dying of envy. :)

    I would like to feature your home office in my blog this weekend if its okay with you. I can email and forward you some short questions and hopefully you can send me some photos :)

    I love following your blog ;)

  18. I LOVE your style- Your home is lovely and i can relate, i can not commit either but it is because i love whimsy- i love blacks like the Ballard Designs, i love shabby french..
    wish i could drive down and visit.-shop

  19. Hi again!
    Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one! I also love so many different vintage styles. We've got a pretty good mixture going on over here too!
    Looking forward to following and checking out your older posts as well.
    Blessings to you,
