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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Little French Flea Market

This is one event you won't want to miss! Back by popular demand is


Saturday, 9:00 am-3:00 pm

Hidden Chateau Gardens
23130 Sherman Way
West Hills, California
(Across from the Post Office)

$2.00 Admission

I attended this event in February and shopped in awe of the Hidden Chateau Gardens.
There were a variety of items and the prices were amazingly reasonable. Visit my older post here to see what I found!

The Little French Flea Market promises to be more spectacular the second time around! There will be MORE vendors filling the inside garden AND the surrounding outer grounds. Southern California weather will be warmer AND the charming gardens will be in FULL bloom (April showers bring May flowers!)
I'm also SELLING at this event. I'll be under the PINK UMBRELLA! (Jennifer, can you believe I found an umbrella similar to yours in PINK!) My space will be filled with items from my shop at Very Vintage, my website AND I'll have NEW TREASURES as well. Better yet, items will be priced to sell! Cutepinkstuff website products will be reduced 25-50% and cottage chic furniture will be sold at reduced prices. Here are a few of the items available: (Soon, I'll post other items you'll find at The Little French Flea Market!)Moms, treat yourself this Mothers' Day to a beautiful day of outdoor shopping. You're sure to find the PERFECT gift at an AFFORDABLE PRICE. Bring your friends, family and a large vehicle!

The admission fee is only $2! Refreshments are FREE. Yes, finally an old fashioned flea market with old fashioned prices!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Good Will Hunting

Loved the movie! Now these words have a different meaning. A new Good Will store opened nearby where I'm often hunting for vintage treasures! Last week I bought his service tray with lid. It's very heavy with pewter trim. It doesn't say it's sterling silver, so it's probably silver plated. The imprint on the bottom is most likely a silver plate hallmark. The white handles are either plastic or bakelite.

There's SO MUCH to know! All I really know is that the price was right (19.99), it's beautiful (more so when I take the time to shine it) and it's the perfect service piece for my next fancy feast!

Thursday, April 9, 2009