Saturday, February 28, was a special day, indeed!
Hidden Chateau & Gardens was the venue for several vendors selling their wares at a "French Garden Flea Market."
Any chance to visit the grounds is always a pleasure!
This historic landmark was built in 1934 - 1936 by silent movie actor, Francis Lederer.
It was named a Historical Cultural Monument on December 4, 1974 by the Los Angeles Cultural Heritage Commission. The 1.5 acres of shaded grounds and meandering stone paths are truly magical!

Of course, a day of shooting photos for a fabulous blog post was diminished by an uncharged camera battery!

I took only a handful of photos while anxiously awaiting the gate to open.

Vendors were still setting up their booths.

These cute shopping carts were painted shabby PINK! They were available for shoppers to cart around their treasures, but they weren't for sale (darn!)

Coffee and pastries were served, but everyone rushed in to shop rather than to sip and nibble!

This is a sampling of the items sold and the last photo I took before I heard that dreaded beeping on my camera! I had a great time shopping, though. I bought only 4 items:

I saw these rusty cast iron planters calling out my name!

They're quite rusty, but so charming!

I love the front wreath detail.

When I saw these chairs, I knew they would be perfect in front of my fireplace!

I'm loving French decor of late, so bits and pieces are finding their way into our home.

Seems everywhere I turn I see burlap on chairs.

I thought my chairs needed some feminine flair, so I added a down filled accent pillow.

I have only one pillow made so far, so here's a photo of the one I completed.