Saturday, November 8, 2008


Decorating in shabby cottage style with a husband and 3 boys under the same roof is challenging. Legos balance out all the PINK. My quilted slip covers wouldn't be the same without Legos.This paradox makes me smile!


  1. LOL! Cute post! I only have one man under my roof and he isn't into my pink and shabby cottage style at all..... So count your blessings that somehow you can make it work! LOL!

  2. Darling keep up the good work, scatter PINK everywhere!
    Hugs, Diane

  3. Cindy, it might be a challenge but look at it this way - you are raising 2 sons who are already used to pink and pretty, so some (lucky) young ladies are going to get them already trained!! See, worth putting up with a bit of LEGO. LOL

  4. I have two too! Mine are nearly 4 and 6. They are into Castle Lego though....LOL!

  5. I have 2 boys also- now grown. I always told them the pink and flowers kept me sane from all that testosterone in the house!


  6. OMG Cindy! Too funny...I know exactly what you mean!

  7. That is SOOOO MY HOUSE. I have those LEGO loving boys here too. I find those little thingies among my pretties.
    So funny.

  8. Thanks so much for telling about the garlands that your have for sale. Since asking you, we have had a family staying with us- 2 1/2 weeks now, they are out of work and we are feeding 3 more precious mouths so the budget is out for pretty garland for now! Thanks so much though and who knows maybe some fun money will come in somewhere!!!

    blessings to you!


  9. I love the balance that's what makes life real and great!

  10. Well done for your feminine style while you are out-numbered by males! I have noticed recently though that my friends with daughters don't seem to have as feminine a decorating style as I do and I was out-numbered by males too!
