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Friday, December 28, 2007

Spring Cleaning

I may be rushing the season, but I am ready for Spring! Our Christmas trees are out of the house. The Christmas decorations are in storage for next year. The sun is shining. Yes, I am ready for spring cleaning!

That may explain my sudden need to create a clothespin bag! When a package of fabric arrived the other day, I set aside everything, pulled out my sewing machine, and presto, two clothespin bags appeared!

This bag is made from "Monkey 'n Around" fabric. I am not typically a fan of sock monkeys, but add a pink background. . . . I'm now a fan!

The second bag is dear to my heart because it is made from a line of fabric created by Anne Sutton at Bunny Hill Designs. The Beary Boys and Girls Flannel Pink Bouquet fabric is ultra soft and gorgeously PINK! Anne's newest fabric design is Miss Emma's Garden. Love it, Anne!

I don't have a clothesline. I have no need for a bag holding clothespins. Yet, I always have a need for cutepinkstuff fashioned from cute pink fabrics! I envision my bags holding socks, mittens, baby items, ribbons or bows. For now, they just make me smile!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Holiday Home


WELCOME TO MY HOME! Our Christmas decorations are done save and except the place settings for Christmas dinner. No gifts are wrapped, but that is next on my list. For now, I am joining Karla's party and sharing with you what I love about my holiday home. Enjoy your tour!

I'll be home for Christmas. . . . candlelight church service on the Eve, 4 excited kids opening presents early in the morning, dinner at home with our extended family, and amazement that another year has passed us by. Amid all the commotion that the season brings let's take the time to remember the reason for the season. . . .
I saved my favorite decoration for last. Below is a drawing done a few days ago by my 4 year old son. He calls it, "Baby Jesus in the Manger." That says it all.