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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thinking Outside of the Mall

As much as I try this holiday season, I don't think I can stay away completely from the mall. Before I venture out into the crowds with my holiday list, I am enjoying my online visits to Etsy and to a few of my favorite websites. Below is a sampling of some items that caught my eye. If everyone on my list shared my love for PINK my shopping would be much easier!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Awwww. . . .

I started a group called Shabby Pink Cottage Chic Ladies over at Etsy. Membership is open to all ladies who enjoy the shabby pink cottage chic decorating style. It's a place to share ideas and make friends while sipping on a cup of virtual java. No rules, just fun!

Today, I was asked by MudpiesandMoonbeams whether I miss practicing law. I miss the suits, high heels and the courtroom when I haven't had a chance to shower, my laundry is piled high (family of 6!) and my toddler is cranky.

I also have my moments when I would not trade in my current day job for my former profession. This is one of those moments: My 11 year old son made his bed, didn't tell me and left me a priceless message. Awwww. . . how sweet is that?

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Best Find To Date!

I wish I could say I found this chandelier! My mother-in-law and father in-law bought this chandelier at a yard sale in the Palm Springs area. It is definitely one of the best gifts I have received! It came with many of its original tear drop crystals, a green plastic bead garland, duct tape and plenty of dust! It works, too!
This is the same chandelier painted white and fully dressed in it's original bling. I added only a few crystals that were missing, removed the duct tape and plastic beads. It now hangs in my home office which replaced a ceiling fan. My husband reluctantly agreed to replace the fan, but he knows how much I love chandeliers! When the summer heat returns I may miss the fan. For now, I am enjoying my yard sale chandelier!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Home Office Debut!

Our family's former breakfast nook is now my home office. It spans an area of 64 square feet. Just enough space for a printer, two cabinets, a glass top table/desk, a chair on wheels, a side tray/table, a magazine rack, and two old wicker chairs. My "corner window office" even has an ocean-like view of our pool!

Around the corner of the nook is a large table my husband constructed. It doubles as a homework table for my kids and a packaging/shipping table for Across the room, under the stairwell, is a former play room that now serves as a storage room for small inventory items and shipping supplies. There is also another desk, storage unit, lamp and larger inventory items.

As I venture out into the small business world, I often wonder if this how Martha Stewart, Mary Engelbreit, Rachel Ashwell and others began. The challenge is balancing family and business all under the same roof!

Thanks to all who have visited and commented on my office re-do! More photos in video below!

Home Office Slide Show

Friday, November 9, 2007

Calendar Holder

Ta da! Finished! My only regret is that I didn't photograph this piece before I re-purposed it into a calender holder. It was painted black and had a dark poster/picture in the middle. When I purchased the piece, I was looking for a pink and practical way to display our family's schedule. I printed the calendar pages from Microsoft Office. When I get some spare time, I hope to embellish the calendar pages. I can hardly wait to fill the shelves and mini sap buckets with pretty things! Details later. . . .

Monday, November 5, 2007

Mail and Messages

I love old mail boxes almost as much as I love mail! These days I rarely receive mail the old fashioned way save and except letters from my dear mom. Email is convenient, but it is no substitute for a handwritten letter on beautiful stationery. I'm grateful my mom doesn't own a computer!

I purchased the above mail box on eBay and repainted it. For now, it remains empty waiting for the next issue of Victoria and a sweet letter from dear mom. I'm thinking I should fill it with pink stationery, my favorite pen, stamps and shabby pink stickers. Maybe that will motivate me to limit my emails and write some letters the old fashioned way!

Part of my re-organization plan is to get the little pieces of paper off my desk and pinned to my message board. Of course, that took some time because first I had to clean up an old window frame, add padding and pink chenille fabric, make glass beaded push pins, print out my notes on pink paper and convince my husband that hanging this heavy message board was of utmost importance. Whew!

Next on the list. . . a pink calendar holder!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Disappearing Act

Now you see it. . . .

Now you don't!

I love technology, but I don't like seeing it! My generous sister bought me this fantastic printer/scanner/copier. It is indispensable, but not pink! If HP manufactured prettier office equipment my printer wouldn't have to go "undercover."

As part of my office makeover, I designed this printer cover with a pink chenille top and pink rose skirt. I simply lift the front skirt to access the printer.

More later!